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Custom-Made Window Treatments  Brought Directly into Your Home

Specialists in Motorization and Automation

Motorization and Automation Is Our Specialty

Integrate your windows into your Smart Home with industry-leading solutions including:


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THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes provides custom-made window treatments to the greater Houston area, Galveston, and beyond. Benefit from our experience and create the solutions you want. Our shop-at-home business model allows you to choose your new window treatments from the comfort of your couch. We will be there for you throughout every step of the shopping process.

residential and commercial logo

Our Goal is to be The Best

Service before, during, and after your sale!

We take pride in offering outstanding service and the highest quality products from Hunter Douglas, and more.

Smart solutions, good value, quality products, and great customer service.

Don’t take our word for it, see what customers say!

We offer high-quality window covering products in Houston, TX, from The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes.

THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes Advantage

  • Offering the highest quality window covering products in the industry
  • Bonded and insured
  • 1-year of service after sale from THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes (look out for  companies offering 30 days)
  • Staff with over 30 years experience in window treatments and motorization
  • Custom drapes and specialty shapes not available at the big box stores
  • Featuring products made in the U.S.A.

texas map service area

Ready for New Window Treatments in Home and Our Showroom? We’re Ready to Help!

The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes Calendar Icon.
Step 1

Schedule meeting at our Showroom or your location. We work on your schedule!

The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes Home Shop Icon.
Step 2

Shop in the comfort of your home. Discuss your objectives and budget. Inventory windows and special conditions. Select styles of window treatments, fabric, and color.

The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes Quotation Proposal Icon.
Step 3

Present quotation for your review.

The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes Window Icon.
Step 4

Installer takes production measurements on site.

The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes Truck Icon.
Step 5

Your windows are manufactured and professionally installed.

Icon of manufacturer warranty of The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes.

Manufacturer’s warranty plus one year of THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes service.

THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes

Bringing Custom Window Treatments Directly into Your Home. Serving Greater Houston, Galveston, and Beyond!

Showroom Address
1345 Campbell Rd Suite 110
Houston TX 77055


Text Us 

Hours of Operation
Monday to Sunday: By appointment

Texas Service Area Map of The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes.