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Motorized Window Treatments

Virtually every product can be outfitted with a motorized system. We offer the most innovative technology in the industry. The system appropriate for your custom window coverings depends mostly on the brand and type of product you purchase.

THE FROG has experience with motorization options for Hunter Douglas, and most other automation systems.

Control Lights and Shades With Your Smartphone

With the Smart Bridge connected to your internet router and the free Lutron App, you can operate Serena shades (and Caséta Wireless smart lighting) from IOS devices including Apple Watch, as well as Android devices. Lutron was one of the first Apps to be available for the new Apple Watch wearable.

With the Lutron App you can:

  • Control lights and shades from wherever you are – office, airport, beach or home.
  • Add scenes to control multiple lights and shades together – create a “movie” scene to dim lights and close shades for the perfect home theatre experience.
  • Schedule lights and shades to adjust automatically at any time of day.

Timed Events

Schedule scenes to automate motorized applications on a seven-day schedule so you can effortlessly enjoy their many benefits.


Choose the best way to control your motorized applications with options such as individual control, group control, and more.

On-Screen Setup Wizard

Intuitive installation and setup allow you to enjoy your myLink experience in a short few minutes.

Pebble Remote Control and Pebble Scene Controller are available in Houston, TX.

Features & Benefits

The PowerView system can be operated via the PowerView App or via two different types of Pebble controls – a Pebble Remote Control or a Pebble Scene Controller.

The PowerView Pebble Remote Control offers a modern alternative to a traditional remote control, allowing you to pre-set and easily operate up to six different groupings of window treatments – either individually or together – with just a press of a button.

The PowerView Pebble Scene Controller features an advanced display screen that lets you conveniently preview and select room scenes – different combinations of shades and shade positions that you previously programmed using the PowerView App.

Ergonomically designed and beautiful to look at, the PowerView Pebble is available in seven stylish colors to enhance any décor.

You can also wall mount a PowerView Remote or Scene Controller using the PowerView Surface, available in three on-trend colors.

The Frog Blinds Shutters Drapes PowerView App is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Get the PowerView® App

The PowerView App unlocks the full potential of PowerView Motorization. Using the App on your smartphone or tablet, you can create and schedule customized room Scenes that allow your shades to operate on their own throughout the day.

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Contact THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes Today!

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