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The privacy you need, the craftsmanship you deserve. Our selection of plantation shutters are available in long-lasting materials and elevated finishes and can be made to fit a variety of windows, including specialty shapes and sliding-glass doors.


Capture the essence of Southern style and invest in a timeless classic with our Heritance® Hardwood Shutters. These shutters are crafted from high-quality, genuine hardwood and are available in unlimited color choices and unique finishes.

Palm Beach™

Create a beachy ambiance with Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters, made with our innovative Polysatin™ material that is UV-resistant and prevents warping, cracking, fading, chipping and peeling. These are the ideal shutters for hot and humid climates.


The rich look of wood meets strength and durability with our NewStyle® Hybrid Shutters, which are perfect for high-energy family households where enthusiastic play and nonstop busyness are part of the daily scene.

Contact THE FROG Blinds Shutters Drapes Today!

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